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How Aspire Post Oak Uses EV Charging Powered by SWTCH to Attract and Retain Tenants


When the Post Oak property, a luxury rental building in Houston, Texas, decided to install EV charging stations for use by its tenants, it hoped to address a growing need while also continuing its investments in sustainable operation. Now, by working with SWTCH to deploy a growing portfolio of EV chargers, Post Oak has also unlocked a powerful new tool for winning—and winning back—great tenants for its property.

Built for EV charging from the start

Aspire Post Oak first opened its doors at the end of 2021, and from the beginning, it was built with the intention of offering EV charging services to its tenants. “Aspire is an environmentally friendly building by design. During construction, we installed 16 Tesla chargers, anticipating that several of our potential residents would likely own Tesla vehicles,” said Victoria Speed, Community Manager for Aspire Post Oak.

Those initial charging stations proved to be in high demand. “Anyone that was leasing with us that had a Tesla, that was one of their first questions: ‘Do you guys have electric vehicle chargers?'” But there were also several tenants who owned non-Tesla EVs who were keen to charge up at the property as well. This led to the next phase of Aspire Post Oak’s EV charging journey: installing EV charging stations that would work for everyone.

Expanding to meet existing demand—and entice new tenants to the building

After consulting with Pangea Charging in 2023, Aspire Post Oak added six universal charging stations from SWTCH to accommodate owners of all kinds of EVs. Thanks to their ease of use and reliability, the response was very positive, and the charging stations immediately saw high use. “They’re really popular,” Speed said. “The charging stations are used constantly, day and night.”

But the introduction of these EV charging stations didn’t only allow Aspire Post Oak to better meet the needs of its existing residents. Rather, they have also become a tool for attracting new tenants to the property—including some who previously elected to live elsewhere.

“We’ve got people who choose to live in our community because we offer onsite charging stations,” said Speed. “For EV drivers, it’s just so much better of an experience than public charging that some of them won’t live anywhere that doesn’t offer charging at the building.”

Once the charging stations were in place, the team at Aspire Post Oak reached back out to everyone who had declined to live at the property because of a lack of charging. “Some prospective tenants leased elsewhere due to the other building having available charging stations. We were able to bring a number of them back by reaching out to them and letting them know we now had universal charging stations installed.”

And on an ongoing basis, the charging stations remain an important asset in the hands of Aspire Post Oak’s tenant acquisition strategy. “We highlight SWTCH as an amenity during all our tours with potential residents,” said Speed.


Charging Up the Bottom Line: The Business Impact of adding EV charging

While the primary goal of Aspire Post Oak’s EV charging initiative is to enhance resident satisfaction, the property has also seen a number of other business benefits as a result of installing the charging stations.

Differentiation in a Competitive Market

In the luxury rental market of Houston, being able to meet as many tenant needs as possible is essential to standing out. The availability of on-site EV charging has become a unique selling point for Aspire Post Oak. “We’re the kind of company that’s very future-forward,” Speed said. The EV charging amenity at the property serves as a highly visible example of this commitment.

Future-proofing the property

Investing in EV charging infrastructure now positions Aspire Post Oak ahead of emerging real estate trends. Speed said, “A few years down the line, when EVs become the most popular form of transportation, having onsite charging stations will be an essential amenity offered by communities.”

Installing chargers now, and expanding the number of chargers when demand outstrips availability, will help position Aspire Post Oak as a future-forward leader in Houston real estate, both now and in the years to come.

Attracting High-Value Tenants

The presence of EV charging can help attract the kinds of environmentally conscious and tech-savvy tenants who are often represented within the luxury market. These high-value tenants contribute to maintaining premium rental rates and fostering a community that attracts similar residents.

Through its investment in EV charging, Aspire Post Oak is not just meeting current demand but is also setting the stage for long-term financial success. As the real estate market continues to evolve alongside automotive trends, properties with established EV infrastructure will likely find themselves in an increasingly advantageous position.


An additional benefit: the chargers are driving EV adoption among residents

A lack of available EV charging in multifamily home environments can often lead to residents holding off on EV adoption, so it’s not unexpected that the addition of EV chargers to Aspire Post Oak has led some residents to purchase electric cars.

“We’ve definitely seen an influx,” Speed says, noting that especially as luxury brands introduce new EV models, Aspire Post Oak’s residents are jumping at the chance to drive electric. It’s a trend that will not only bolster the already-strong charger utilization numbers but also serve to reinforce the property as being home to a forward-thinking, eco-friendly community.

The Resident Perspective: A Game-Changer for EV Owners

All of the reasons why EV charging stations are assets to Aspire Post Oak’s business tie to the huge benefits they offer residents who own electric vehicles.

When asked about the impact of having charging available at Post Oak, Vi Huynh, a resident at the property, had this to say: “Having charging stations in the building is extremely important. Without them, I would have to drive out of my building garage to find a station, which would be very inconvenient. It makes a huge difference in my routine. I don’t ever have to worry about running out of battery for my car when I’m out and about because charging my car at home is so easy and accessible.”

The resident noted that without in-building charging, they would likely have to drive at least 10 minutes to find a charging station. This added time and hassle is eliminated by having chargers readily available in the parking garage.

The financial benefit is also notable. “Charging the car at home is also so much cheaper than purchasing gas, which is a plus,” Huynh said.

Overall, Huynh’s experience with SWTCH’s chargers has been overwhelmingly positive. “My experience has been wonderful. I enjoy having the luxury of charging my car in the garage without leaving the building,” she said.


Looking to the Future

For Aspire Post Oak, the existing charging stations that are installed are only the beginning. The team is constantly looking ahead at how to build upon its current investment—and success.

In the next couple of years, plans are in place to work with SWTCH to add more universal charging stations for use by residents, as well as an additional bank of charging stations for public-facing retail spaces on the property. “Our general goal is to continue the trend of adding more charging stations each year,” Speed shares.

Key advice from Aspire Post Oak’s EV charging journey

Happy to share advice with other property managers considering EV charging installations, Speed had this to say: “If you’re a brand new construction, plan it out ahead of time. Make sure that you already have the spaces designated, make sure that the power sources are close by, within reach, that you have enough power.”

And for existing properties, Speed recommends a thorough site assessment. “Have someone come out there and really do a full audit of the spaces just to make sure the spots you want to put the charging stations are the best locations,” she advises. “And remember that installing EV charging is absolutely worth it. It would definitely help with gaining new leases and keeping occupancy numbers high.”

The evolution of Aspire Post Oak’s sustainability commitment

Aspire Post Oak’s EV charging journey is a testament to the property’s commitment to innovation and sustainability, as well as its determination to meet as many of its tenants’ needs as possible. As Speed puts it, “We are constantly evolving, constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of life that we provide to our residents.”

By embracing EV charging technology and continuously adapting to meet resident needs, Aspire Post Oak is not just providing a valuable amenity – it’s driving an improved ability to attract and retain tenants, to boost tenant satisfaction, and to position itself at the forefront of sustainable multifamily living in Houston. As the EV market continues to grow, Aspire Post Oak’s early adoption and ongoing commitment to EV charging infrastructure promise to keep it ahead of the curve for years to come.

Want to gain a competitive edge in attracting and retaining residents for your multifamily property?

Contact SWTCH today to learn how to get it done.

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